Pedestrian Safety Campaigns

As part of selected Road Safety Audits, Cross County Connection will conduct a pedestrian safety awareness campaign to educate pedestrians and motorists on traffic laws in effort to change behaviors that lead to pedestrian crashes and fatalities. Cross County Connection works with local municipalities and their police departments to prepare and conduct campaigns in locations where pedestrian safety is a concern.

How It Works

The campaign emphasizes educating drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists through social media, direct in-person interaction with the public at events, and sometimes targeted enforcement. Police officers focus on engaging and educating, rather than simply issuing citations

While campaigns are typically four to six weeks long, the planning often begins a few months in advance. Cross County Connection will work with a community of key stakeholders (i.e., police officers, elected officials, local businesses, community groups and other municipal departments and agencies) who will decide where to focus the campaign and when and how it will be conducted. 

The campaign is coordinated by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) and is supported by federal and state funds. Cross County Connection TMA operates the program in the state’s seven southern counties – Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem.

Program Spotlight: Pennsauken Township Route 130 NJ Campaign

Cross County Connection partnered with Pennsauken Police Department to conduct a pedestrian safety awareness campaign in May 2021 along Route 130, one of New Jersey’s most dangerous roads for pedestrians. Street banners, signs and brochures were distributed to local businesses and places of worship throughout the month. The campaign included two public events at Cooper River Park. Signs, posters and banners, with safety messaging in both English and Spanish, lined the busy walking and biking trail. Over 500 pieces of literature were distributed with many more people having seen signs and posters throughout the park and town.