Voorhees Complete Streets Demonstration Project

Voorhees Complete Streets Demonstration Project

With funding from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) Travel Options Program (TOP) grant, Cross County Connection TMA, Voorhees Township, and PATCO successfully implemented a 2-week Complete Streets demonstration project in the Green Ridge neighborhood, located between the Ashland PATCO Station and Voorhees Town Center. The project aimed to slow vehicle traffic and improve pedestrian and bicyclists’ safety. Voorhees recently painted sharrow pavement markings to designate the included streets as a bike route linking the PATCO station to the Town Center.

The “Complete Streets” infrastructure features that were tested included a Bicycle Boulevard, Neighborhood Traffic Circles, Pedestrian Refuge Islands/Medians, and Curb Bump-Outs. CCCTMA worked with the Voorhees Township’s engineers and Public Works Department to create a layout that could work to slow vehicle speeds while still allowing for a steady flow of traffic. This demonstration was set up just before Halloween. The timing was opportune as Halloween brings out higher volumes of children walking neighborhood streets. As a bonus, the materials used to construct the infrastructure included straw wattle and straw bales, suiting the fall festivities.

October is also Walk to School month. Cross County Connection organized a “Walk to School Day” with Osage Elementary School, which serves the Green Ridge neighborhood, to promote the project and encourage students and their parents to walk through the area. The school’s Crossing Guard provided positive feedback during the event, stating that vehicles were slowing down and yielding to the children crossing the street. She provided suggestions on adjusting the placement of a pedestrian refuge island, which Cross County Connection staff were able to immediately implement due to the flexible nature of the materials used.
Initial survey results of the surrounding community show that most respondents believe that each traffic calming component did work to slow down vehicle speeds during the demonstration period. The overwhelming majority also agreed that if these roadway features were to be made permanent, that it would make Green Ridge a safer and happier place to live.

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