Bicycle Pedestrian Planning

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

Bicycle and pedestrian friendly communities are safer, happier, healthier, and more livable places. Approximately 33% of NJ’s road fatalities were pedestrians or bicyclists in 2019, despite only comprising an estimated 4% of road users.1 Proactive planning to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclist improves safety and can lead to additional benefits such as:
Cross County Connection provides programs and services that can help communities become a safer and more welcoming place for bicyclists and pedestrians. The TMA’s planning staff, many of whom are licensed NJ Professional Planners, understand the needs of local governments.
Cross County Connection can help with:
Services are not limited to plans. Cross County Connection can also help with safety audits, getting bicycle and pedestrian projects funded, establishing bike share systems and more!

Bicycle and pedestrian safety audits

Cross County Connection conducts bicycle and pedestrian safety audits to address safety issues of immediate concern. These short-term audits focus on a specific area such as an intersection or a section of a roadway corridor. Governments requesting audit assistance will receive a detailed report that is a valuable tool when seeking grant funding.
The audits consist of:

Grant Assistance

Cross County Connection is available to help local governments identify grant opportunities and prepare a strong application. The grant process can sometimes be confusing, but Cross County Connection has the experience to help identify eligible projects, answer questions that arise along the way and write an effective grant application.
Cross County Connection’s grant services include:
Cross County Connection also offers the Bike/Ped Grant Help desk. Call our office at (856) 596-8228 and staff will answer your questions regarding grant requirements and guidance.
Check out Cross County Connection’s SOUTH JERSEY BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN FUNDING GUIDE to learn more and get started!

Bike Share

Cross County Connection has assisted counties and municipalities with establishing bike share programs through research on best practices, staying informed on the fast-developing technologies and bike share models, as well as working directly with communities on the technical aspects associated with starting a program.
Cross County Connection has experience with helping communities establish a low-cost bike share option known as a “bike library,” which recycles old bikes and reintroduces them into the community. A community bike library uses volunteer mechanics to repair abandoned or unwanted bikes. The bikes are then lent to members, much like books in a traditional library.
Cross County Connection provides templates for the important procedural and legal documents vital to the start-up of a bike library program, including: